MGM is the most consistent, whereas Encore has slowly declined and Plainridge Park as slowly increased. All three are relatively consistent, within a percentage point or so overall.These games, with a lower house edge, may be pulling the average up moreso than they would at the other two casinos, where there’s a mix of electronic and live table games. However, due to the lack of table games, Plainridge Park only offers electronic table games.
On the surface, Plainridge Park has the highest payback of the three casinos.*Encore Boston Harbor opened the last week of June, 2019, so FY 2019 data covers only a few days. Here’s each of the Massachusetts casinos and their overall payback for the fiscal years of 2019-2022, which ends on June 30 of each year. Massachusetts allows for one slot parlor, which is Plainridge Park Casino, as well as three full casinos, two of which have been built: MGM Springfield and Encore Boston Harbor. That said, you can still get some useful information in terms of knowing the overall slot machine payback by casino. This means that the reporting is not broken out by denomination, as it is in some states like Connecticut. Similar to Pennsylvania, reporting is done per casino on a monthly basis. As part of trying to surface overall trends in slot payback in various markets where reporting is available, today I take a look at the slot machine payback for the three casinos in Masschusetts.